
Hey Every One and Welcome at the website from Yoga by Rosa. Rosa is a Certified (Vinyasa) Yoga Teacher. After she’d done a vinyasa teacher training, she started doing courses and trainings to deepen her knowledge about anatomy and the differences in peoples bodies, so that her classes are safe for every individual in the class, for Every One. She also studied the mental and sprititual affects next to the physical aspect. She loves to share her knowledge and the joy of movement in her classes.

To learn more about Rosa and her approach to yoga visit the About page.

Rosa is from Amsterdam so she speaks Dutch, but her classes are mainly in English so that they are accessible to most people. At the Classes page, you can see where and when she teaches. You can also find some recorded classes for free on Youtube.

‘Joy and Focus’

Urdhva Dhanurasana
Utthita Trikonasana